nguyenda.com - Software development blog.


Any complex system is a mosaic of numerous components, each with its specific function. These components don’t operate in isolation; they constantly interact over a network, exchanging data and com...

API Styles

REST, GraphQL, WebSocket, Webhook, RPC/gRPC, SOAP

API architecture refers to the set of rules, protocols, and tools that dictate how software components should interact. The architecture of an API is not just about facilitating communication; i...


The cache is a layer that stores a subset of data, typically the most frequently accessed or essential information, in a location quicker to access than its primary storage location. This cachin...

Message Queues

ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka, ZeroMQ

Message queues are a form of asynchronous service-to-service communication. They are important in enhancing a system’s scalability, reliability, and maintainability. The list of key features: ...

Load Balancer, Reverse Proxy, Forward Proxy, API Gateway

Load Balancers, Reverse Proxies, Forward Proxies, and API Gateways are all network tools that manage traffic between clients and servers, but they serve different purposes and have unique features....

Scaling Up

Best Practices for Mobile Development Teams, Architecture and Workflows

Introduction Users and developers alike ask a lot of modern mobile apps. They have to be fast, reliable, functional, packed with features, and regularly updated. Creating apps that meet each of ...

Solution vs Software Architecture

This post dives into distinct architecture domains, like DevOps and data architecture, how they interconnect, and their importance in overall solution architecture.

In my tenure as a solution architect in financial services working for a global consulting firm, I have often questioned the best way to practice enterprise architecture. A common challenge tha...


Hiding keys in software technical

Author: Brecht Wyseur [email protected], NAGRA Kudelski Group, Switzerland 1. Introduction The initial goal of cryptography has been to design algorithms and protocols to protect a comm...

POC vs MVP vs Prototype

The Road Map For Your Business Success

Bài đăng trên blog này đề cập đến sự khác biệt giữa POC, MVP và Prototype để xác thực các giả định với bộ tính năng tối thiểu cho người dùng ban đầu. Chúng ta sẽ xem xét chi tiết từng cách tiếp ...

Challenge Response - Nonces in Secure Authentication Mechanisms

1. Introduction to Nonces in Secure Authentication Mechanisms Insecure authentication mechanisms have been a long-standing issue in the world of cybersecurity. The use of passwords as the sole mean...